About Ali Al Awsi

Ali Al Awssis design is timeless, international and unique with a touch of the luxury, glamor and exuberance which shows faith in the future, but it is also inspired by the best periods in design history.
”The reason why I adore the Art Deco and the Jugend style, is because of the perfectionism that characterizes the periods of those styles. Jugend style is characterized by a high standard of workmanship, while Art Deco is known by its functionality. I strive to combine workmanship and functionality from the two styles into a sculptural and beautiful design.”
Ali Al Awssi from an article in Danish Magazine ”Bo Bedre”.
Something Special
by Al Ali Awssi

Our Story
Ali Al Awssi was born in Iraq, but came to Denmark as a young man. In 1983 he opened boutique ”Something Special” in Løvstræde near the charming Grå Brødre Torv (Grey Friars Square) in Copenhagen City.
In the shop you will find furniture, lamps and jewelry of his own unique design. The shop also has a large collection of antique glasses and vintage items.
The atmosphere is international, yet very personal, which is seldom to find in a globalized world of chain stores. It is visited by first movers in Danish and international fashion.
Fashion stylist Maria Beydin about "Something Special" in Copenhagen:
“I can spend hours in this shop. It has a collection of very unique jewlry, never seen any where else. They have this special handpicked quality about them.
The shop owner Ali Al Awssi has fallen in love with them, and I fall in love too. They are Must Haves!
Plastic, stone or silver, they are fabulous. They are old fashioned in a both delicate and overwhelming way.“
See the redaction of Cover Magazines secret shopping places

When Oprah Winfrey visited Copehagen, she got an Al Awssi necklace designed specially for her. Read about it and see the pictures

Her Royal Highness Crown Princess Mary of Denmark has worn jewelry designed by Ali Al Awssi on a number of occasions.

World famous top model Naomi Campbell bought the necklace she wore on the frontpage of Cover Magazine.